Qualifications are important. Self-esteem is life changing
Westward House School, Glenover House, Haverfordwest, SA611ES
Outdoor School
Cookery School Performing Arts
For one day a week pupils attend our Outdoor Centre with log cabin
classroom, 5 acres of wood, grassland, streams and animals and where trained outdoor specialists run exciting sessions involving Science, Technology, Maths, Literacy and Expressive Arts. Voice projection, public speaking and confidence building through music and drama are key components in our expressive arts sessions both at our outdoor site and in school. A BTEC in Performing Arts is also available.
One morning each week we have Cookery School in our teaching kitchen. Practical cookery sessions incorporate everyday life skills together with practical applications of Numeracy and Literacy.
Pupils can also take a BTEC in Cookery and complete recognised Food Handling and Hygiene courses.